We believe that together, we can achieve great things and make a difference in the world.
Our Values
We believe in having empathy and compassion for all people, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable populations in our society. Every agency has a story to share, especially those providing health care or social services. We believe in helping you share your organizational capacity and history of serving your community with potential funders - including your accomplishments, existing programs, unmet needs, and your vision for future programming - all in a person-centered, thoughtful and impactful way.
We believe in providing you with a consulting experience based on the four principles of bioethics:
• Autonomy - respect your client’s decisions about their own health or services that are needed;
• Beneficence - promote the client’s best interests;
• Non-maleficence - do no harm; and
• Justice - promote fairness and equity with scarce resources.
We believe in disclosing any and all conflicts of interest as they arise as well as keeping your organization’s information confidential and private.
In order to eliminate any real or perceived conflict of interest, we are unable to provide any consulting services to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) since the Founder and CEO of Tara Radke Consulting, LLC is employed by an FQHC.
We believe that collaboration is the key to success, especially when working on competitive or renewal grant applications or other deadlines. The Consultant and Key Program Staff/Leadership will work together on each project to ensure the most successful and impactful results. Project timelines will be mutually agreed upon based on required tasks and deadlines.
We believe in being honest, transparent, trustworthy and kind in all our communications, and treating people with respect. We believe in being honest about what services we are able to provide to agencies for their grant-related needs. There may be occasions when we are unable to take on multiple projects due to other commitments; we will be upfront with you about those potential time constraints prior to signing a contract for consulting services.
We believe in evidence-based, sound public health protocols and practices, and will use reliable, trustworthy, and documented scientific references in all grant applications.
We Work With
to provide individualized and thoughtful guidance and support as you pursue and manage multiple grant funding opportunities.
Meet the Founder & CEO
Tara Radke, MPH
Professional helper of all people, dog-mom, baker, and woman on a mission to make the world a better place.
Tara Radke, MPH has over 25 years of experience in the HIV/AIDS and health care fields in Wisconsin, Phoenix, Austin, and southern Arizona, and is considered a subject matter expert with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program federal funding and grant-related requirements. Tara specializes in program development, implementation, and management; grant writing and evaluation; editing; and grants compliance and accountability.
She holds a Master’s of Public Health degree from the University of Arizona and a Graduate Certificate of Clinical Bioethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Prior to establishing Tara Radke Consulting, LLC, Tara has been a federal independent grant reviewer for over 6 years for both the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and has provided independent consulting to local nonprofits.
Tara is employed by a large Federally Qualified Health Center in a job she thoroughly loves, and is looking to expand into consulting and achieving her dream of being a woman-owned small business. She is a member of the American Societies for Bioethics and Humanities, Arizona Public Health Association, and the National Association of Community Health Centers.
Tara is passionate about working with HIV/AIDS programs, as well as other social service agencies and nonprofits, sharing her vast expertise and knowledge with program staff and leadership. She looks forward to working with agencies who might be seeking an experienced, ethical, and professional grants consultant to help share their story with funders in order to achieve the greatest impact for the people they serve.